You can gain valuable work experience and supplement your spending allowance with part-time student jobs for international students.
While you must supply sufficient evidence that you can pay for your tuition and living expenses before you arrive in Canada, there are a number of work permit programs for international students and their spouses/common law partners that make working in Canada possible.
Working in Canada can go a long way towards helping you establish business contacts for the future and can even help you immigrate after graduation.
Jobs for International Students in Canada
As an international student, you are able to work on campus without a work permit while completing your studies if:
As an international student, you are able to work off-campus without a work permit while completing your studies if:
Certain study programs include work requirements such as co-op or internships. In such cases, a work permit is required in order for the foreign student to be able to complete the work.
You are able to travel and work in Canada for up to 1 year through the International Experience Canada if: