What is the Start-Up Visa Program?

The Start-Up Visa Program offers Canadian Permanent Residence with no visa conditions.

It is the fastest program in North America for business immigrants.

Under the program, foreign entrepreneurs with an approved business concept, recognized by a designated organization (VC, Angels, Incubators), receive a Commitment Certificate and a Letter of Support (LOS).

With the LOS, proof of language competency, and sufficient funds, applicants and their dependants may submit an application for Canadian permanent residence.

The start-up can be in wide-ranging industries, including IT, Technology, Healthcare, Manufacturing Processes, Agriculture, Consumer Products, etc., with no limitations on the type of start-up concept.

The program involves an experienced business advisory team working with designated organizations, guiding and mentoring entrepreneurs through the mandatory due diligence process.

Once a suitable start-up is identified and approved by the designated organization, the due diligence process concludes in approximately 5 months.

With the Letter of Support in hand, the application for Canadian Permanent Residence is submitted